Do you want to improve your SolarReviews rating?

Boosting SolarReviews Ratings with enSights: A Comprehensive Guide

Whether you are a domestic or small-scale commercial RE producer or an RE service provider in the USA, SolarReviewsis likely important to you.

For those outside the United States, who are not familiar with SolarReviews, it is a widely used platform that helps American homeowners and businesses choose trustworthy companies who offer solar system installation and operation.

For both O&M providers and vendors of solar systems, a poor rating on SolarReviews can do serious damage, and likewise, a high rating can do wonders.

SolarReviews rates RE companies across a broad range of metrics including background checks, licenses and insurance, profitability, customer reviews, local service, brand quality, vertical integration, transparency, loan options, and responsible pricing.

In this article, we will explore how American Solar companies can significantly improve their SolarReviews score by using – the renewable energy operating system.

Local Service

enSights is a comprehensive SaaS platform that requires no added hardware to be installed. It assists RE producers and service providers to increase their efficiency and reduce managerial overheads radically. It is a state-of-the-art system that allows complex distributed assets sold by different vendors to be managed and maintained through one easy-to-use dashboard.

enSights works continuously in the background, comparing expected vs actual energy production in real time. As soon as an anomaly appears, the system alerts managers to it. An advanced ticketing system then keeps all the relevant team members in the loop regarding the repair. enSights then confirms that power production has been fully restored. Without running enSights, it can take a long time to identify when and where problems arise.

In this way, enSights can help O&M providers considerably improve their service in terms of speed, professionalism and transparency.

Vertical integration

enSights helps solar service providers vertically integrate by providing a platform for managing the entire solar energy supply chain. This greatly improves efficiency and reduces costs, making service providers more efficient, proactive, and competitive.

From the perspective of RE producers, enSights offers great flexibility by allowing systems from different vendors and suppliers to connect seamlessly via our plug-and-play installation. Using enSights, all systems are integrated into one place, saving the hassle associated with switching between multiple portals. enSights also helps service providers avoid having to manually create spreadsheets that require a huge amount of time.


Our platform allows solar service providers to increase transparency by providing a single, centralized platform for accessing and sharing key insights about production with customers and partners. enSights offers financial visibility through a friendly, white-label dashboard and reports. The ability to share this valuable information helps increase customer satisfaction and builds trust between asset owners and service providers.

Amazingly, enSights uses big data to allow RE producers to compare their systems with nearby systems.


As you can see, enSights, with its A.I assisted asset management, offers fundamental assistance in scaling and increasing customer satisfaction.

If you need to give your SolarReviews score a boost, and you’d also like to produce energy more efficiently, and with fewer headaches, get in touch for a demo of enSights today.